Author: Nanette Gregory

SPIE Photonics West 2023
It was great to meet everyone who visited the Epolin booth at the SPIE Photonics West 2023 show. We hope that you found the information informative. If you have any further questions or would like to follow up on anything discussed at the booth, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. If you didn’t […]
Read MoreEpolin’s Laser Protection Article in PhotonicsViews
PhotonicsViews’ most recent edition contains an article authored by Epolin’s technical marketing director, Donald Tibbitt. It covers the need for proper protective eyewear in various laser applications. It also explains how to accelerate development of lens or filter formulations that meet international certification standards. Click here for a download or reach out to us for assistance at: […]
Read MoreEpolin’s team spends time at the National Safety Conference
The Epolin team spent time at the National Safety Conference learning about new products, regulations and industry trends. Epolin also visited with current and potential customers. The team will take our new knowledge back to the lab and work on developing new light management formulations to meet the needs for safety applications that protect workers from harm. […]
Read MoreAutoSense Detroit 2022
Epolin will be sharing how proper filter formulation can improve the function, safety, and appearance of in cabin near infrared (NIR) illumination and detection electronics. If not attending #AutoSense Detroit, you can learn more at
Read MoreEpolin at Laser World of Photonics
Epolin exhibited at Laser World of Photonics: April 26-29, 2022 in Messe München, Munich Germany. Our team provided laser eye protection formulation assistance to attendees drawing from Epolin’s diverse portfolio of UV, Visible, and NIR absorbing dyes. To learn how Epolin’s “Concierge Chemistry” services can help you optimize light management within in your application visit:
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Managing Near Infrared (NIR) Light Using Visible Opaque Materials
NIR illumination and detection electronics often incorporate a protective cover or lens that appears black or visibly opaque. The black cover on the end of a TV remote or a dome around a night vision security camera are examples of visible opaque, NIR transmitting materials. They obscure electronics and reduce heat from Solar’s visual spectrum while efficiently transmitting NIR portion of light. They also expand design options and minimize the appearance of welds created by NIR lasers in part joining operations.
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