Switching from opaque to transparent Managing near infrared light using visibly opaque materials.

Epolin’s Don Tibbitt recently had his article published on PhotonicsViews: Switching from opaque to transparent Managing near infrared light using visibly opaque materials. Learn how Near Infrared (NIR) light is selectively absorbed and transmitted to improve product performance, function, and safety. NIR is used in applications ranging from lidar and automotive ADAS to machine vision […]

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Understanding laser protective eyewear requirements Meeting user and regulatory needs for a safe work environment

  Sharing an article by Don Tibbitt, Technical Marketing Director at Epolin, within PhotonicsView magazine’s most recent addition. It covers the need for proper protective eyewear in various laser applications. It also explains how to accelerate development of lens or filter formulations that meet international certification standards. Click here for a download or reach out […]

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Epolin’s Laser Protection Article in PhotonicsViews

PhotonicsViews’ most recent edition contains an article authored by Epolin’s technical marketing director, Donald Tibbitt. It covers the need for proper protective eyewear in various laser applications. It also explains how to accelerate development of lens or filter formulations that meet international certification standards. Click here for a download or reach out to us for assistance at: […]

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