Visible Opaque Materials

Epolin offers visible opaque solutions for both thermoplastic and coating applications. These solutions are available as a dye powder or a ready to mold thermoplastic pellet.

These products are known as near-infrared cut-on filters or long wavelength band-pass filters. They are designed to block UV and visible light while transmitting NIR (Infrared) light. These products produce both an aesthetic effect by hiding the electronics as well as an improvement in device functionality. By blocking the spectrum up to the sensor detection wavelength a signal-to-noise ratio improvement of up to 90% can be realized. Epolin provides several products with a range of cut on wavelengths matching industry-standard Sensors and LED emitters.  To learn more download this informational flyer on Visible Opaque solutions.

Epolin’s Don Tibbitt recently had his article published on PhotonicsViews: Switching from opaque to transparent Managing near infrared light using visibly opaque materials. Learn how Near Infrared (NIR) light is selectively absorbed and transmitted to improve product performance, function, and safety. NIR is used in applications ranging from lidar and automotive ADAS to machine vision systems, night vision cameras, IR remotes, touch screens, and various medical and therapeutic uses. To read the full article click here


These products are known as near infrared cut-on filters or long wavelength band-pass filters.  They are designed to block UV and visible light while transmitting NIR light.

Explore the difference between the visible and near infrared spectrum by clicking below.

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