Epolin Quality Management System

Epolin Quality Statement:

Epolin is dedicated to providing quality products and services that meet or exceed our  customers’ expectations through industry innovations, continuous improvement, achieving  customer satisfaction, and pursuing excellence in quality and safety in order to ensure the  long-term stability and profitability of our organization and the people we serve. 

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We depend on our customers, and we are committed to providing them with efficient service and  high-quality products that always meet or exceed their needs.  


We value the contribution of every employee. We will always treat employees with dignity and  respect and foster a positive and cooperative workplace in which everyone can learn and grow.  

We will maintain a safe working environment complying with all statutory, regulatory, corporate and  customer requirements. 


The Company’s management team is committed to showing leadership and bearing responsibility  for creating, implementing, and maintaining the Epolin Quality Management System. 

We ensure sufficient resources are made available within the Company to achieve this. We further  undertake to ensure through communication, engagement, practical example and training that  Quality is the aim of all members of the Organization.  

With effective leadership and support, every employee will have a proper understanding of the  importance of the Quality System, their responsibility to contribute to its effectiveness, and its direct  relevance to the success of the Company. 

Every employee is responsible for and will be fully trained to perform the duties required by his or  her specific role. 


The Company is committed to continuous improvement of our processes to meet or exceed our KPI  targets and customer quality requirements to become their preferred supplier.  


We will measure process performance to identify and address deficiencies to improve our processes.

Don Tibbitt, Epolin Global Business Director February 28, 2023

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